The Canadian IBD Nurses (CANIBD) 2024 annual conference will be held in collaboration with Crohn’s and Colitis Canada (CCC). The conference will take place in 2 sessions on Friday, November 8th and Saturday, November 9th. New this year, Session 2 of CANIBD on Saturday is a full day session.

Session 1: Friday, November 8, 2024 - 6:00 pm to 8:05 pm EST (includes dinner)

Session 2: Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 8:30 am to 3:05 pm EST (NEW Full day meeting this year)

Our Story

Nurses are an important part of the multidisciplinary approach to managing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Approximately 80 GI nurses across Canada have a primary role in IBD care (clinical inpatient and outpatient care, telephone advice, rapid access clinics, transition and biologic support). In 2015, CANIBD was created to advance mentoring and support for IBD nursing in Canada.

Our Vision

To ensure people of all ages living with IBD in Canada receive high quality clinical nursing care within the multidisciplinary team.

Our Mission

CANIBD is committed to improve the quality of care for people living with IBD. To this end, CANIBD:

  • Provides support and mentorship for IBD nurses in Canada
  • Provides and promotes learning opportunities for nurses
  • Provides opportunities for networking and sharing best practices in nursing care
  • Develops or adopts nursing guidelines, standards or consensus statement for IBD nursing in Canada
  • Elevates the profile of IBD nursing in Canada

Our Success

With funding support from industry partners and management support from Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, CANIBD has made great strides in moving its mission forward. Some key achievements include:

  • Successful CANIBD Annual Conferences held
  • Nurses Travel Education Award launched and awarded
  • Nursing-led Research Grant launched and awarded
  • Advocacy training support initiated
  • Education and patient program supported, including nursing education webinars
  • CANIBD Scope of Practice Document
  • The strategic priorities for 2024 are to:
    • Promote and develop IBD nursing care & education
    • Foster greater communication among IBD nursing network
    • Strengthen nursing-led IBD research
    • Support nursing-led advocacy for multidisciplinary teams in IBD care and access to treatments
    • Ensure sustainability of CANIBD nursing community


Join us on Friday, November 8, 2024 and Saturday November 9, 2024 for our CANIBD Conference. To Register, Click Here.

  • Les taux de ces maladies au Canada figurent parmi les plus élevés du monde.
  • 1 CANADIEN SUR 140 vit avec la maladie de Crohn ou la colite
  • Pour la première fois, les familles nouvellement arrivées au Canada contractent la maladie de Crohn et la colite
  • Depuis 1995, l’incidence de la maladie de Crohn chez les enfants canadiens de 10 ans et moins a presque doublé
  • Les gens sont le plus souvent diagnostiqué avant 30 ans.